sábado, 18 de abril de 2009

Depois de muitas mudancas..

Nossa vida pode mudar em um piscar de olhos... Pra mellhor ou pra pior o que importa 'e que tudo tem um porque de ser, estar sendo. No fundo a gente sabe que tudo ficara bem e que voce esta amadurecendo. Como eu amo viver!!!!

Estava numa tarde de sabado estudando ingles, quando pensei ser legal postar aqui no Blogger algumas dicas de ingles. Excuse me baby, nao se sinta ofendida/o, voce nao precisa achar que estou pretendo algo, nao perca seu tempo vindo aqui e lendo....Isso 'e pra mim e pra quem se interessar claro....Caderno eletronico, virtual!!! Faca o que eu quiser disso aqui....

Pick out -

a) to select, to choose - Juliana picket out a shirt and brought it to the dressing roon.

b) To separate from. If you break a wine glass, make sure you pick all of the glass out of the carpet.

Pick over -

To take the best of something and leave waht is not so ood. The shirts have been on sale so long that they've really been picked over.

Pick on -

To tease. My sister and brother always picked on me because i was the youngest.

Pick from - To choose from a group of something. Mrs. Stefanson icked a new assistant from the group of applicants for the job.

Pick at -
a) To take only very small amounts of food. Marshall ate almost everthing on her plate, but she only picked at her peas.

b) To scratch or irritate something, such as a cut or scrape. Dont pick at that cut! Let it heal.

Pick up on.

To undestand something, especially something that isn't intended to be understood. They spoke in Spanish in front of Dorothy, so she didnt pick up on what they were talking about.

For more information "Living Language, Fluent English, For Speakers of Any Language"

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